I wanted to make this video about automations for wedding photographers because using automations has been a game changer in my photography business! If you don’t know what automations are, I explain everything in this video. They are basically automated processes for things in your photography business. I have lots of them in my business, […]

Honeybook Automations for Wedding Photographers, New Youtube Video!

April 13, 2023

Let’s talk about the business side of the workflow, for what to do after you photograph a wedding: the exact email template I used to send a couple days after their wedding. This email includes an expected gallery delivery time. I also share my master file which helps me keep all my wedding clients organized […]

Post Wedding Workflow for Photographers | What to do AFTER a Wedding

March 30, 2023

What to do BEFORE a Wedding for Photographers: If you are wondering what to do on the business side when preparing for a wedding, this is the black post for you. I am outlining the process of preparing and making sure you have all the information you need so you feel confident photographing a wedding. […]

What to do BEFORE a Wedding for Photographers | Pre Wedding Workflow

March 23, 2023

In this video I go over my complete photography workflow. From how I organize files on an external hard drive to how I cull photos using different softwares, to getting things ready for the editor, to uploading to the final gallery, to exporting and prepping photos for the blog. Having a solid workflow is essential […]

My Photography Workflow! Organize Files, Editing & Photo Backups!

March 16, 2023